I can’t tell you how often I hear the question, ‘How do you keep your house so clean?’ or, ‘When do you have time to keep everything so organized in your home?’…Not only from readers but also from friends and family. To be honest, I’m not the greatest at organizing. I wish I was! What I am great at, is organizing daily tasks so I can stay on top everything. Today I’m sharing our best tips to organize your life and your every day – you’ll be so thankful if you can start to put these very simple tasks to work. Soon enough, everything will feel like it’s working for you!

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Living room decor in neutrals with touches of blue and white

I always keep our home clean and tidy on a daily basis, which for me, is a huge factor in keeping our lives organized as well. As a creator, I work from home, so on a typical day, I like to have a clean house too. Keeping a clean and tidy house is so much easier than you may think, and it makes everything in your life that much easier and less stressful.

I’ve been  working from home for several years, and I can tell you, it takes just as much work to work from home, to be organized and stay on top of everyday tasks and items, as it does working out of the house.

I’ve done both, and while the pace is slower and quieter at home, spending more time here can lead to things piling up, getting in the way and just getting plain messy. Plus, you have to manage office hours and the work/life balance being home most of your day.

I talk about why I decided to leave my career and my blogging journey in this post, a tell-all, honest post about the trials and stresses of motherhood and working. Ok let’s get back to my daily to-do’s and tips to keep life organized!



First thing’s first – coffee! Then breakfast for the kids. While they often make their own because they’re older teenagers, I still like to make it for them, especially if they leave early. I’m a big old mama bear and love to do as much for our kids as they’ll let me. Except laundry and bedrooms, ha!

I’ll check emails and and do a few work tasks while I have my coffee. When I’m done, the dishwasher gets emptied and kitchen gets cleaned.

Anyone who needs to pack a lunch for the day, typically does it the night before during dinner cleanup.


Next on my daily list of things to do, I make the bed and clean up our bedroom. A clean bedroom is a must. It helps you stay focused and start your day off right.

Our kids do theirs too. When they were younger, I would do it for them, or help them. Now they do their own, and yes they can still be quite messy…the older they get the messier they are sometimes!

Next, if I have the time, I’ll grab a quick workout – I usually don’t have much time in the day, so I like to do HIIT workouts – High Intensity Interval Training. You can read more on this a little further down.

I shower, get dressed and wipe down the bathrooms. By now it’s 10 am, our house is picked up, our bedroom and both bathrooms are clean and the kitchen is clean. It’s truly amazing how much you can accomplish in a short time if you plan it out and stick to it. Now I’m ready to start working.

The kids are older now so I don’t drive them in the mornings anymore, but we used to everyday. I always made sure to have all of my tasks checked off before we would leave in the mornings, so I used to do all of these things even earlier.


Home office decorated in a chininoiserie blue and white color palette.

I work throughout the day in my beautiful home office, but I don’t sit and work all day long. I’m in and out most of the day prepping dinner, baking, doing laundry, running errands and the occasional school pick-up , which is soon coming to an end. Our daughter (the youngest of our two kids) is graduating high school, starting college in the fall and almost driving. It’s bittersweet!

Sometimes if I don’t have time to clean the kitchen, because I need to work and shoot pictures while the light is good, I’ll stash them outside of the camera frame so you can’t see them. My point is, life is busy and no one is perfect. My home is not perfect. I just try to keep it picked up, neat and tidy with a few simple tricks that help me along the way. And what you see in pictures is often staged. Our home is my studio!



  1. Make and drink my coffee and then breakfast for the kids – they often make their own now too
  2. Cleaning up the kitchen – no dirty dishes around here, or they end up staying all day
  3. Make the bed – there’s nothing like a clean bedroom and NOTHING like a crisply made bed at the end of the day, trust me on this
  4. Do a quick HIIT workout if I have time
  5. Shower and get dressed
  6. Start my workday


I don’t have a lot of time in my day, so I need fast workouts with maximum benefits. For me, I get the best results with HIIT workouts – High Intensity Interval Training. These are typically 12-15 minutes a day. They’re tough, rigorous and intense. I promise you, if you have the determination, you can do these.

I love to follow Kelsey from Hit Burn on Instagram, her workouts are perfect for me and I get great results. I also love The Betty Rocker – she is so awesome and has great resources on her site. You can do it too, trust me.

The first time I tried a HIIT workout many years ago, I thought it would be impossible. I couldn’t even do more than a few pushups. Not any more! I stuck to it and saw fast results. Along with a proper, healthy diet, I felt far better and had more energy.


I cook dinner every night for our family, and we always have dinner together when everyone is home. The kids are often working, at school or with friends, and I’m fully aware that these precious moments are fleeting…family time, although it can be minimal right now with older teenagers, is my favorite time.

Dinner usually consists of a protein such as beef, chicken, fish or pork, rice or potatoes and a veggie or salad. I love to try new recipes, but honestly, I don’t have a lot of time. Often I’m pulling from my arsenal of quick meals I know everyone loves.

Here are a few recipes that are family favorites, some of which you can also find in the recipe section here on CL Blog.

After dinner, we all clean up the kitchen completely – I told you how I feel about dirty dishes, ha! Everything gets wiped down and vacuumed. When your kitchen and sink are clean, it is such a great feeling. Especially when you wake up in the morning.

That being said, the kids do leave messes at night, that’s for sure. But generally the kitchen is clean and it helps start the day off right.

I’ve updated this post since I first wrote it, and at the time, our fuzzy baby, Oscar was here with us. He left us last year to hop over the rainbow bridge, and oh, how my heart still aches for him every day. Losing a pet is truly so devastating.

Keeping on top of Oscar was a huge task! Bunnies are very messy pets and need a lot of care and attention. I always made sure to try and clean up after him as much as possible – he roamed free in our home so it was a daily endeavour – but one I miss so very dearly. I think of you every day, Oscar, and we all miss you so much!

I love to shower in the early evening as well, it helps me relax and destress. Once everything is clean after dinner, I head to my bathroom to brush and floss my teeth and shower. Afterward, we relax in the living room, and watch tv. I often work at night on the sofa too.

That sums up my daily routine and all of the things that I make sure to do, to keep our lives organized, and mine as stress free as possible. And trust me – there are days when my house is messy and there are piles of laundry sitting until I can get to them.



As for nutrition, we’ve always tried to avoid processed foods as much as possible and stick to mainly proteins, fruits and vegetable and healthy fats. I love to snack on nuts, cherry or grape tomatoes, dates and sometimes cheese. I often eat tuna with lemon for lunch and tomatoes, and a handful of nuts on the side. Hummus is another favorite food in our home and so good for you! I’ll share a recipe for hummus soon, its is so easy to make.

Below are a few more daily tips to staying on top of life’s little messes and keeping your house clean and organized



Simple and quick daily cleaning tips that will help keep your home spotless and organized!

  • Shoes, coats and bags stay in a designated area – We keep all of our shoes in our garage, since this is our main entrance, which leads to our laundry and mudroom.
  • Coats and bags are put away and go on the hooks. If you have cubbies, even better! Teaching your kids to keep their belongings in place helps the, develop a sense of purpose.
  • Kids can do laundry! And it is a huge help for us parents. Our kids have been doing their own laundry since they were young. It’s not always perfect, but that is ok.
  • Fold and put away laundry as soon as you can. Our laundry/mudroom room is visible to our open concept home, so I can’t keep piles or baskets of laundry sitting around. Typically it gets put away as soon as it’s done.
  • Vacuum and/or sweep daily – this is a game changer. If you can get into the habit of doing this every day – or even morning and night – especially the kitchen, you’ll be very happy.
  • Clean bathrooms weekly and wipe them down daily – wipe the toilets, counters, faucets and sinks. Also mirrors if needed. It takes a few minutes only and makes weekly cleaning so much easier and faster.
  • Keep that kitchen clean! A clean kitchen in the morning is the best feeling.
  • Clean your fridge weekly – throughout any old leftovers and expired foods, wipe the shelves, bottles, jars, milk containers, or anything that has messy drips.
  • Sort your mail as soon as you pick it up. File bills, recycle junk mail. Don’t let it pile up, it adds to the daily clutter otherwise, which adds stress!
  • Clean your bedroom and make your bed. Have the kids do the same from a young age if you can. It’s not always perfect, but this teaches them self reliance and the importance of keeping things tidy and neat.

I hope you found these tips to organize your daily life helpful! These daily tidbits and life hacks for organized living are truly life changing!

I promise you, stick to a daily plan and life is so much less messy. Take care of yourself, and take care of your home.

Looking good equals feeling good and having a clean, clutter free home feels less stressful and creates positive energy. A beautiful home that’s neat, tidy and orderly brings happiness! We all want to love our homes and this is such a great place to start.


Since our home is open concept and everything is visible from almost every space, these are tips to organize that I use to keep my own sanity. It takes some work and discipline, but once you get used to these daily organization and lifestyle habits, you’ll never go back. Let me know if you use any of these tips in your everyday lives, I want to hear all about it! I’d also love to hear if any of these daily tricks and tips on how to clean your home and organize your day and life are working for you! xoSaveSave

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  1. tamaraanka says:

    Yes!! I agree!

  2. One of best ways for weight loss is keto diet

  3. tamaraanka says:

    Congratulations, Cynthia!! I remember those days of when I was a new mom and the struggles to do it all effortlessly!! You definitely will need to let certain things go, it’s not easy to manage everything with babies, just know it’s ok!! I used to clean everything like a maniac and have definitely scaled back over the years…now my kids help too :) Thank you for stopping by to say hi, wishing you all the best!! xo

  4. Love all your tips. I’m going to be a mom in a few days so I’m trying to figure out how will I be able to keep my home clean like I currently do . I clean my 2 bathrooms very night and my home every weekend. My bed has to be made every morning :)

  5. tamaraanka says:

    That’s such a good question! They’re older now, so there’s a lot less that comes home, but I don’t keep that much anymore, it became too overwhelming! I have a ‘message center’ in the mudroom – a bulletin board with all the papers we need to keep :)

  6. Great tips! How do you keep the kids paperwork organized? I find myself saving everything and our underbed storage bins are overflowing! 😂


  7. I love your pics – so inspired! Are you able to share the hardwood flooring brand/colour?

  8. tamaraanka says:

    Kelley YOU are superwoman!! I’m in awe of all that you do my friend and you motivate me! I need you to come and organize my closets!!! xoxo

  9. tamaraanka says:

    No kidding – clutter gives me nothin but stress! It’s really not that hard to stay on top of it. I always find that doing it right away helps tremendously…maybe that has something to do with the fact that I have little patience sometimes haha! Thanks for your sweet words! xo

  10. tamaraanka says:

    Bree, aren’t we all busy?! Life is nuts!! I’m so happy you find my tips useful – I bet I’d benefit greatly from some of yours too! Thanks as always for the note! xo

  11. tamaraanka says:

    Myrna, isn’t it so true? It really doesn’t take that much effort other than being mindful about doing them! You’re so welcome and I’m so happy you popped in to leave a comment, thank you!! xo

  12. tamaraanka says:

    Hi Cindy! I’t so good to hear from you! I hope you’re doing well! Thank you so much for you sweet words, you know how much it means to me! You’re right, these are such basic tips but if you let them go, everything gets disorganized…for me anyway! Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

  13. tamaraanka says:

    CC you are so kind my friend! I still have a hard time getting up earlier but it helps so much, it’s amazing! I’m so happy you popped in to say hi! xo

  14. tamaraanka says:

    Wow, Jan, you are one busy woman! I’m always amazed at women who can work full time out of the house and manage it all! Way to go! I hope you get some good use out of my tips! Thanks for stopping by to comment! xo

  15. Ha….love all the tips – and I plan to print the list and hang it somewhere so I’ll see it daily! I still work 4 days a week and my day begins with getting up around 4:30-5 am. I don’t get home until 4-4:30 pm – so I need to get better organized for sure – and get the workout in the schedule. I have two dogs and one fluffy cat hanging out with me so there’s always fur hiding somewhere! Thanks again for the tips! Love your blog!

  16. Ok wow major goals here. I am starting to get up earlier too and notice that it definitely makes a difference. Great blog post! Thanks for sharing

  17. Cindy Weis says:

    Hi Tamara, such good tips, and while they seem basic they sure make a big difference in daily life don’t they? Hope all is well, and that Oscar is just adorable, pets make such a wonderful addition to life and while they can require some work the rewards are so worth the efforts. Have a good rest of the week.

  18. I can attest to the fact that if you get behind, you often stay behind and it builds up. I was self employed for many years and when working from home, you never ‘go home after work’.
    Thanks for the tips.

  19. Tam, you are one busy lady but thank you for your tips…definitely something we can all benefit from!! You are soon good!!! Xoxo

  20. Also, the less clutter, the easier to keep neat and clean. Your house is a beautifully decorated, serene space.

  21. Tam, I felt like I knew your schedule but seeing it written down make me appreciate all you do even more. SUPER WOMAN! Such good tips and I feel motivated in so many areas where I slack. This is just what I needed to give myself a little kick to pick it up a little!

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