I am so excited to share today’s post with you guys! I know it’s totally different than anything I’ve published here before, but I think you’ll think it’s super fun! Some of my best blogging buddies (who I’ve shared many times on here) and I, decided to get together and create a fun blog hop with a little bit of a ‘tell all’ from our hubbies. We thought it would be a fun way to celebrate Father’s Day, and give these awesome guys who do so much for all of us (and our blog businesses), a little bit of the love and attention they deserve! Plus, it’s always fun to get the dirt on people, right??! Don’t miss all of my friends who are sharing too, down at the bottom of my post! So, here we go, let’s get down to the nitty gritty!
*Affiliate links are provided throughout, or at the bottom of this post for your shopping convenience – see my full disclosure policy here.

When did you first meet your wife and what was your first impression?

If I remember correctly, the first time I saw her, she was walking into a bar we used to both hang out in – she was there with her friend, who I was in school with at the time, it was quick and we didn’t even speak! But my first impression: WOW!

I think we were actually introduced…I wouldn’t say we didn’t speak! I remember that night like it was yesterday! But I do admit – it was only a couple years later that we actually had our first conversation! I was pretty intrigued, I have to say…

Our honeymoon in Playa del Carmen!

Which one of you more aggressively pursued the other?

I think there were times when we both pursued the other more aggressively but in the beginning I think it was me, I knew from day one that she would be my future wife and had to make it happen.

I’m not sure if that’s a little dramatic haha – but he forgets that I asked him out first!

What are the best and worst parts of your wife’s job as a blogger?

The best part is she is home and there for our kids when they need her. The worst part is all of the installations and ongoing projects!

What can I say? I keep him busy ;)

Our patio makeover last year was one of our biggest projects to date – and definitely a family favorite! Worth all the blood, sweat and tears! See the part 1 of this makeover here, and part 2 here.

How do you explain what your wife does for a living to your friends and coworkers?

“She’s a blogger and an influencer” – then they look at me very confused and I explain it a simply as possible. “She makes a living by sharing decorating ideas on her blog and partnering with brands to promote products, and shares it all on her social media accounts, like Instagram, Pinterest, etc..”

Pretty accurate! Although, he left out the countless hours I spend around the clock getting it all done! That’s the life of a blogger – 24/7/365!

What is something we might not know about your wife?

She is a highly skilled Rock-n-Roll air guitarist, under the right conditions.

I confess. I have no shame whatsoever…oh and standing on our kitchen island belting out tunes with a wooden spoon. The kids think I’m nuts. He laughs, thank goodness.

What does your wife do that drives you crazy? What would she say you do that drives her crazy?

Same answer for both. She tells me I leave “greasy” finger prints on the kitchen cabinet handles and fridge door handles. I just use them normally and then soon after she does the rounds removing my “greasy prints”, telling me how it makes her crazy. Fortunately our new cabinet hardware is brass and they don’t show like they did on the chrome ones.

100% true. But he has no idea that I still wipe them all down anyway! Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there!

If you had an extra $10,000 that you could do anything you wanted with (no saving, investing, or donating allowed!), what would you spend it on? Would your wife be on board?

A tropical vacation for just the two of us. She would definitely be on board.

Well, I can think of a few new pieces of furniture I might like instead! But I do need a tropical or European vacation!!

You get home from work and your wife is giving you “the look”. What have you most likely done to get yourself into trouble?

Probably I have forgotten to do something (that happens a lot!), or I didn’t let her know I’m running later for dinner.

Yep. Drives me crazy when dinner is ready and he’s thirty minutes away! I like things to go according to plan! Did I mention I like things done, too?!?

Such a fun trip – our kids were babies!!

What’s your favorite trip you have taken with your wife/family?

Our family trip a few years ago to Punta Cana. Our kids were still young, but old enough to really enjoy it and soak it all in. Her favorite part was parasailing.

Definitely one of our most fun trips ever – minus the parasailing, That’s total sarcasm – I had a panic attack and almost passed out and could not wait to get back on the boat! Our daughter Sydney, who must have been around 7 loved every minute of it! I did not. Liam stayed on the boat – smart kid! I think he takes after me. The rest of the trip was perfect :)

Do you have a “man cave” ? If so, where?

 Kinda! Our basement is my man/kid cave. It’s usually a mess too.

Yes it is. And the garage – how did he forget the garage? It’s his second home when he’s working on a motorcycle that he fixes up and sells for fun.I need order to stay sane haha – perfectly placed pillows are a must ;) See more of this space here.

What’s one thing that your wife is super “picky”/particular about?

 Wow hard to pick only one! Probably the cleanliness of our house. Actually, definitely the cleanliness of our house! And perfectly placed pillows. Do all bloggers live like this?

Ummmmm. Yes. Pillows when they’re not properly fluffed and karate chopped…my pet peeve. True story – in our first apartment, we had leopard pillows, and I actaully made up a poem for him to remember which way to place them so the pattern was the direction…’Up and down go the spots. Left to right, they go not’. Hahaha, that kills me to this day. Yes, I’m a little OCD about pillow placement!! Poor guy! Oh, and a messy/dirty house.

What’s your favorite dinner that your wife makes? What is your specialty?

 Hers is chicken in the oven with bbq sauce and Arabic rice on the side. It’s greasy and delicious! Mine is steak grilled to perfection.

Yes to both! We are huge meat and veggie eaters! The Arabic rice is a splurge for us, since we follow a low-carb ketogenic diet. But that rice…I dream of it in all of it’s glorious greasiness! His steaks are incredible. In fact, everything he grills is amazing. I take full advantage in the summer!

Are you a DIY-er or more of a “hire the professional” type of guy?

Definitely a DIY-er – I’m Scottish – we hate to pay for anything we can do ourselves.

Too many projects to contract out haha! My wheels never stop ;)

See the reveal of our living room bookshelves here, and our spring living room tour here.I think his specialty might be built-in shelving! See the reveal of our kitchen shelving here and different ways to style them here.

What do you think about your wife’s blogger friends? Who do you hear about the most? Have you met any of them?

 They seem like a very fun group of talented ladies. Some of the names that I remember off the top of my head are, Haneen, Erin, Randi, Kelley, Jen. I have not had the pleasure of meeting any of them yet, but I hope to, Tam adores them all (and they’re always texting!).

Maybe one day all the hubs will meet! Love all my girls to pieces!

Has your wife ever done a project that you secretly didn’t love but you never told her?

 Not exactly… but I often question the project at the start and then when it’s finished, I realize she was right AGAIN! And it always looks amazing.

Good answer haha. And very accurate! He’s always questioning my thinking then realizes he really shouldn’t! Is it like that for everyone else too??

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Would your wife agree?

We would both love to live somewhere in California. We love it there and hope to get there for good one day.

Yep – our dream is to retire there. I just want and truly need sunshine every day! I’m convinced life is better with more sunshine in it!

This is our little family last summer up north at Mont Tremblant – one of our favorite spots to visit! Love these people more than anything!

What’s your idea of the perfect Father’s Day?

Having the entire family over for a lobster and BBQ dinner on a beautiful sunny day.

We’ve done that the past couple of years and it’s so much fun! I guess I should start planning for Sunday ;)

That was so fun! And little uncomfortable haha!! Now that you’ve learned some of our dirty little secrets, you can read everyone else’s too – I can’t wait to get the dirt on my best blogging buddies too! Below are links to all of my girls who are also sharing today! Happy Father’s Day to all the awesome men out there! xoxo

















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  1. tamaraanka says:

    Thank you so much Laurie!! You just made my week! I and so grateful for such a nice comment!! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read with me! xoxo

  2. I think I am one of the few men that read ur blog

  3. tamaraanka says:

    Thanks so much, Holliday! It really does take up so much time, doesn’t it?! I’m happy you enjoyed reading this piece, it was fun to do!

  4. tamaraanka says:

    Kris, thank you so much, you’re so sweet..the kids are even bigger now, it’s crazy! I thought Neil explained it pretty well too!! This was a blast to do together!! So thankful for you, my friend! xo

  5. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a picture of your whole family together – you are one beautiful family!! I think I need to write down Neil’s explanation of what you do – he does a better job of it than I do when I try to explain it myself – lol! Such a fun read Tam – you got a good one!

  6. Really enjoying getting to hear from the husbands! Such a great idea! My family is still not getting the whole blogging thing and how much time and work it requires. Maybe in time…:-)

  7. tamaraanka says:

    Haha Sheila – these poor guys of ours! Thank you so much for the kind words, you’re so sweet! I’m really happy you liked the post too, it was a blast to do! I too, am so happy we’ve had the chance to get to know each other, I feel very blessed! Thanks for stopping by! Muah! xo

  8. tamaraanka says:

    Thank you so much Dana, that is really so sweet of you to say, I am very flattered! And I TOTALLY get you! I cannot relax if my house isn’y clean…it’s so much more enjoyable isn’t it?! So happy you stopped by, and I’m very happy you like the post, it was so fun! Thank you!! xo

  9. I always knew you were talented but the photos tell it all. You have always had great style. Gorgeous! I love it that you are a little bit of a clean freak, because so am I. I always have been, can’t relax if the house is dirty or messy. Ha Ha. Loved the post, so fun. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Tam, your wedding pic is SO gorgeous (but then, I’m not surprised at all!) I LOVED this post so much – I actually laughed out loud when your husband said “do all bloggers live like this?” haha! My husband would say the same!

    Love you and your cute family and am so glad to have met you and learned more about you here!


  11. tamaraanka says:

    Oh Shauna, poor Neil and the never-ending projects around here haha! Although, he has had a break for a while…I’ll have to come up with something soon for him, I think! We sure are lucky, they do so much for us! Thank you for your kind words my friend, it means so much to me! And yes, we need our reunion soon – two years is too long! I feel blessed to have you as a friend, and miss you too, love you! xoxo

  12. tamaraanka says:

    Thank you so much, I’m so happy you stopped by to read along with me (and Neil, of course!)! I hope you are doing great! Muah! xox

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE this Tam! I didn’t realize your hubby was so hands on like my guy with all those projects!! I’m sure they’d love to exchange stories!😂 We are both very lucky to have handy guys, right?!
    Your sweet family is precious and so beautiful! Your wedding photo looks straight from a movie and your honeymoon photo…WOW GIRL!!! Gorgeous!! This was so fun reading more about your life and now I feel like we need to plan another reunion soon!! Miss you and so blessed to call you my friend. Love ya!😘

  14. Gretchen Thomas says:

    This was so fun! I love knowing more about you. Your family is beautiful!

  15. tamaraanka says:

    Bree thank you so much sweets! I loved doing this with you too! Such a fun way to get to know our hubbies – maybe one day they can all meet! Love you right back my friend! xox

  16. tamaraanka says:

    Thanks Kel! Maybe one day we our hubs will get to meet in person, Dave is such a cool guy, they’d love each other! And thank you for the compliment, I would do that day all over again if I could! Aw, No to CA?! I just love the scenery and sunshine so much! xoxo

  17. Tam this is such a great post and I loved hearing more from your husband!!! And the photos are fabulous…just love seeing your kiddos too! Loved Neil’s answers also!!! So glad we got to do this together!! Love you friend!!! xoxo

  18. tamaraanka says:

    Thank you Haneen!! You are the sweetest! Love you! xoxo

  19. tamaraanka says:

    Randi, you are the cutest! I have never heard that in my life, but hey – I will take the compliment, thank you SO much! You’re such a sweetheart and I cherish our friendship! Loved doing this tour, it is so much fun!! Muah!! xoxo

  20. tamaraanka says:

    Erin, thank you so much sweetie! I know, I don’t really ever share my family on here, so this was a treat! And yes, you’ve convinced me – I would LOVE to live there! I am all for decorating and motorcycles!! Love you too!! xoxo

  21. Tam this was such a fun post!! Your husband is darling and I absolutely loved seeing pics of him and your sweet family! I don’t think I ever have before! YES to moving to California! Life IS better with more sunshine.. have I convinced you yet? :) Our husbands could ride motorcycles together every day while we decorate! Loved this post Tam and love you! xo

  22. Tam, why have I never noticed you look exactly like Audrey Hepburn! Your wedding photo is stunning and is just as in style today as it was then! You have impeccable taste in design and your hubby and you are a perfect match! Love you my sweet friend!

  23. Super fun, Tam! Love all the pix! Such a beautiful family!

  24. Tam, I LOVE LOVE LOVED getting your hubby’s perspective! And holy cow- that first picture- it looks like the cover of a magazine! But, NO to California ;)

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